Frequently Asked Questions


The name "Gold Awards" is an umbrella term for MBAG's awards. The program encompasses several different tiers of recognition. All originators of member companies are welcome and encouraged to participate. Credits and production must be accrued in the current calendar year to be included in that year's class of winners. Refer to the FAQ below for more details.

1. What are the minimum requirements to qualify?

- Minimum volume of $10M or 60 units closed during the current calendar year, while employed by
       an MBAG member company.
- 5 Gold Award "credits" (for more information about earning credits, see question #3)
- $100 Contribution to the Good Government Fund (GGF), MBAG's PAC.

2. How many credits do I need to qualify for the program?

Each loan officer must accrue 3 Education credits and 2 elective credits, for a total of 5 credits to be eligible for awards.

3. How do I earn education credits?

Education credits are earned by attending MBAG seminars, education events, convention classes, etc. Creditable events are held and publicized each year in advance. Ample opportunities are given to earn the required credits before the deadline.

Each of the local MBAG chapters should be providing education opportunities throughout the year.
If any chapter does not provide enough opportunities in a calendar year, the annual MBAG convention always features enough classes to achieve the 3 EC minimum (usually more).

You may use education credits for 3, 4, or all 5 credits.

4. How do I earn elective credits?

Elective credits can be earned in a variety of ways. Most commonly, originators are allowed to use any company-sponsored training that they have undergone throughout the same calendar year. Elective credits may also be earned by attending MBAG or AMBA chapter meetings, luncheons, and other official MBAG events. No more than 2 credits may come from elective credits.

5. How much does it cost?

Sessions are priced individually based on facilities, speakers, foodservice, and so forth.
At present, MBAG education classes average $90 per session/ credit. There is no enrollment fee.

6. What about the GGF?

The GGF, or Good Government Fund, is MBAG's political action committee (PAC). Donations are made to candidates who support the interests of our industry. Each loan officer must contribute at least $100 to this fund each year in order to be eligible for Gold Awards recognition. This fee must be received before award status will be granted. 

7. What are the different levels of awards?

There are four basic levels of awards, based on volume:
Gold: $10M-$24.9M or =60 units
Platinum: $25M-$49.9M or 150 units
Diamond: $50M + or 300 units
Emerald: $100M or 500 units
Volume must be accrued during one year's production cycle (Jan.1-Dec.31), and must be verified by manager or senior loan officer. GAW credits must be accrued during the same 12-month period, as they do not carry over from year to year.

8. What do I get for being a Gold Award winner?

As a Gold Award winner, you will receive:
- A physical award for display
- Photo and volume level published in the official Gold Awards program book
- Posting on the MBAG website for one year
- A custom graphic for your email signature or social media showing your status as a top producer
- A raised profile among your colleagues
*Note: Local chapters may have additional avenues of recognition.

9. I can't make it to Atlanta very often. Can my local seminars count for credit?

If you attend functions in chapters outside the Atlanta area, educational sessions hosted by your local MBAG chapter may be counted for one credit each. Each chapter may also hold creditable functions throughout the year. Consult your local chapter's schedule for details.

10. How do I find out when my chapter meets?

MBAG Chapter information can be found on the Chapters tab at

11. I didn't receive a report card. Why not?

Beginning in 2023, we are testing a new, all-digital process. You WILL NOT receive an individual report card as in years past. You will simply check the online record to make sure you have earned enough credits, and then proceed to complete your submission online. 

If you did not attend MBAG education events (or attended but did not complete the entire program,) you will not be eligible to participate for that year.

If you believe that you did complete MBAG education sessions, contact the association office so that we can investigate your situation.

12. What about the President's Award? Can I qualify for that too?

Eligible recipients may also qualify for this additional honor by completing the following 3 requirements in addition to the basic requirements:
1) Attend Lobby Day at the State Capitol building. (Typically held each February.)
2) Serve on (and actively participate in) the state-level Board of Governors or state-level
       committee (Local chapter Board of Governors if outside the Atlanta Metro area.)
3) Work one full day in service to the MBAG Foundation's (Lend-A-Hand) project for that year.
       (Local chapters may work in similar housing-related projects for this credit, subject to Board
       *Note: If no project is scheduled for the current year, you may make a $100 donation to the
        MBAG Foundation in lieu of participation.
All requirements are subject to verification by MBAG.

13. What is the "Rising Star" award?

This award recognizes newcomers in the industry. To achieve this status, the qualifying loan officer must not have begun as a loan officer more than 6 months prior to the calendar year. The volume requirements are somewhat lower for this award: $8M or 48 units. The other GAW requirements (5 credits, GGF contribution) are the same.

14. Do I have to be a member of MBAG to participate?

Yes. Only loan officers employed by MBAG-member companies are eligible for recognition in the Gold Awards program. MBAG memberships are company-wide; if your employing company is a member of MBAG, you are automatically a member too!

15. What if I change companies?

As long as you transfer to another MBAG-member company, your credits will follow you.

16. My question wasn't answered here. How can I ask it?

You can contact us at any time for any questions not answered here. Just send email to the association office, or contact us at 478-743-8612.